- 100% Pure Sage Hydrosol
- 250ml glass bottle
- RAAZ Sage Hydrosol is extracted by steam distillation method. Leafs and stems of sages are processed by steam distillation method 100% naturally.
- Do no contain any synthetical colouring agent, synthetical odorizer, alcohol, preservative or emulsifying agent.
- Contains between 0.05% to 0.30% of Sage Essential Oil.
- Has a tangy, camphoraceous aroma.
- Contains cineole, borneol and camphene active substances.
- Is an excellent Antioxidant.
- Is a great antioxidant Removes wrinkles. Delays aging.
- Prevents hormonal disorders.
- Leads relaxation in climacteric periods.
- Lessens cramps stemming from digestion disorders.
- Has sweltering-lessening effects.